

  1. The Wave (w)
  2. Burma VJ (w)
  3. The Big Boss (w)
  4. The Hangover: Part 2 (w)
  5. 1984 (w)
  6. Bangkok Dangerous (w)
  7. Harry Brown (w)
  8. The Lone Gun (w)
  9. Hanna (w)
  10. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (w)
  11. Lost in Translation (w)
  12. Lbs. (w)
  13. Timecrimes (w)
  14. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (w)
  15. Adventures of Power (w)
  16. Harold and Maude (w)
  17. Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (w)
  18. Nerdcore Rising (w)
  19. Good Bye, Lenin! (w)
  20. Chaplin: The Movie (w)
  21. Peter and the Wolf (w)
  22. Alice (w)
  23. Severe Clear (w)
  24. Road to Perdition (w)
  25. Paper Moon (w)
  26. Rogue Trader (w)
  27. Kenny (w)
  28. Teaching Miss Tingle (w)
  29. Vertigo (w)
  30. The Thief and the Cobbler (w)


Week 1- Powaqqatsi (w)

Week 2- 50 Dead Men Walking

Week 3- The Tree of Life (w)

Week 4- The Book of Eli (w)


Week 1- Mystic River

Week 2- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Week 3- Spartacus

Week 4- Re-Animator (w)


Week 1- The Facts of Life

Week 2- Gigli

Week 3- The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch

Week 4- The Artist and The Con-Artist

2 Responses to Schedules

  1. remklov says:

    Ok, so I guess I lost my 2 hours worth of work that I put into this the other night. If I can’t find an old save to revert to, I’ll re-update it some other time…

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